Archiwalny numer

Vol. 1 No. 4 (2013)

Translations of Slavic Literatures. Issue: 1 (4)/2013

Published: 2013-12-01
Bibliography of Translations of Slavic Literatures (1990-2006)

Volume 1, Part 4, is the final part of the first volume of part 1, entitled Translators’ Choices 1990-2006. It compiles translations from Czech, Slovakian and Macedonian literatures published in Poland, as well as of Polish literatures into Czech, Slovakian and Macedonian. At the end of the fourth and final part of Volume 1, the reader will find an authors’ index and a translators’ index with references to all the bibliographical parts of Volume 1, the goal being to provide assistance in the use of the bibliography and to facilitate inferences about translation choices. Volume 1 thus constitutes a finished whole which represents the mutual reception of Slavic literatures at the level of documented facts as well as in artistic, cultural, sociological, and psychological context and from the theoretical-critical perspective, which complements translation theory. Conclusions which can be drawn from the records of activity in translating and publishing in the various Slavic countries touch upon not only the presence of Polish literature in other Slavic cultures, but also the literatures of other nations in Polish culture and consciousness. Comparisons concerning the degrees of mutual knowledge among Slavs provide material for studies of intercultural communication between nations and communities stereotypically regarded as very similar and linked by bonds of familiarity and mutual understanding. The title of Volume 3, Part 1, is to be understood as referring to cultural practices and habits, more or less permanently fixed in texts, which impede the re-expression of the original content and consequently also the understanding of foreignness by the secondary receiver. This situation causes the emergence of translation problems, both practical and theoretical, addressed in this volume by the contributors. Slavic cultures have accumulated a store of diverse and rich experiences through contact with foreign cultures despite the proximity of the languages. For this reason, publications treating of cultural barriers in artistic translation have been arranged not by the pairs of literatures, cultures, and languages that meet up in translation (as has been the case in former volumes), but by to the way in which the contributors bring into focus particular translatological issues related to the existence and the overcoming of extratextual difficulties in translation.

Number of Publications: 11

Strony tytułowe, spis treści, wstęp

Strona tytułowa

Redakcja PLS
Language: PL | Published: 01-01-2013 | Abstract

Spis treści

Redakcja PLS
Language: PL | Published: 01-01-2013


Bożena Tokarz
Language: PL | Published: 01-01-2013 | Abstract

Przekłady czesko-polskie i polsko-czeskie

Przekłady macedońsko‑polskie i polsko‑macedońskie

Przekłady słowacko‑polskie i polsko‑słowackie

Noty o Autorach i indeksy

Indeks autorów

Monika Gawlak
Language: PL | Published: 01-01-2013 | Abstract

Indeks tłumaczy

Monika Gawlak
Language: PL | Published: 01-01-2013 | Abstract

Vol. 14 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-31

ISSN: 1899-9417
eISSN: 2353-9763
Logo DOI 10.31261/PLS

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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