Archiwalny numer

Vol. 19 (2019)

Published: 2019-07-18

Volume 19 of "Studia Etnologiczne i Anthropologiczne” contains articles whose “common denominator” is the issue of cultural heritage and cultural identity. Documentation, preservation and revitalization of various manifestations of cultural heritage, in this issue of the journal, are discussed, inter alia, on the example of: Mental maps, resources of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas, Silesian culinary art, “folk fashion”, and a reflection on preserving and redefining the cultural identity of groups described in individual articles, a Polish community in Zaolzie, Ukrainians, "Namibian Czechs", Kashubians and people living in the Polish-Lithuanian borderland, to whom attention was paid during field work by the authors publishing in this issue of "SEiA", are, in ethnology and cultural anthropology, invariably inexhaustible research areas of scientific exploration, undertaken in various forms, taking into account different theoretical perspectives.

Number of Publications: 15
Cały numer (Język Polski) Okładka (Język Polski)

Od redakcji

Magdalena Szalbot , Agnieszka Pieńczak
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | pp. 9-11

Cultural Heritage – Documenting, Perpetuating, Rejuvenating

Mental Mapping Method in Anthropological Studies on Cultural Landscape

Elżbieta Szot-Radziszewska , Joanna Zuzanna Popławska
Language: EN | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 15-24

The Atlas of Cultural Heritage of the Polish Village (a Project)

Zygmunt Kłodnicki , Agnieszka Pieńczak
Language: EN | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 25-45

The Concept of Lexicon Devoted to Silesian Culinary Art

Lidia Przymuszała , Dorota Świtała-Trybek
Language: EN | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 46-62

An Instance of Profanation or Innovation? Deconstructing Folk Costumes according to Folk Fashion Convention

Magdalena Toboła-Feliks
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 63-76

Cultural Heritage as a Part of Cultural Potential (in the Context of Revitalization of Ethnic Minorities)

Ladislav Lenovský
Language: EN | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 77-88

Identity – Conserving and Redefining

Choices Regarding Repertoire Made by Scena Polska Tĕšínského divadla w Czeskim Cieszynie [The Polish Stage of Těšín Theatre in Český Těšín] in Order to Maintain National and Regional Identity of the Polish Minority in Zaolzie

Mirosława Pindór
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 91-104

The “Supernatural” in Re-defining the Ukrainians’ Identity after the Revolution of Dignity

Olga Solarz
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 105-120

The Narrative Construction of Identity among the Namibian Czechs

Pavel Miškařík
Language: EN | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 121-137

Endogamy and Marriage Customs in Kashubia and the Question of the So-Called Kashubian Gene

Anna Kwaśniewska
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 138-157

Practicing Story(-Telling) – from experiences of Ośrodek “Pogranicze – sztuk, kultur, narodów” [the Center “Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations”] in Sejny

Dorota Sieroń
Language: PL | Published: 18-07-2019 | Abstract | pp. 158-170


Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 2024-09-27

ISSN: 1506-5790
eISSN: 2353-9860
Logo DOI 10.31261/SEIA

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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