Archiwalny numer

No. 40 (2020)

ER(R)GO No. 40 (1/2020) - memory/ideology/archive

Published: 2020-07-28

… we are reaching into the depths of memory and of the archive, here and there brushing against ideology. What a variety: there is collective memory and, of course, individual memory, transactive memory and interactive memory, deep memory, narrative memory, live memory, cultural memory, declarative memory, memory enchanted in the body and intellectual memory, communicative memory, common memory, memory beyond-the-self, generational memory, cultural memory, mythical memory, somatic memory and semantic memory, prosthetic memory, shared memory, observable memory, family memory, community memory, diffuse memory and total memory, tactile memory and mediated memory, involuntary memory and voluntary memory, and on top of these post-memory, anti-memory, meta-memory, as well as a selection of recollections, memory recyclings, generational nostalgias, nostalgic affirmations, mnemonic structures of pain and trauma, memory crystallisation points, practices of commemorating, artistic anamneses, anchors of memory, but also desacralisation and instrumentalization of memory, history without shame, memory loss, non-memory, amnesia, creative forgetfulness – and all that among the crumbs of the past, accidental trivialities, reminiscences and afterimages.

Interesting things also happen in arts, film and the media: poles of good and evil are reversed, suburban ideologies are exposed, femininity is trimmed to match the expectations of an age which in turn loses its innocence, savages are being tamed and Taiwanese aborigines united, heads are chopped off with machetes, bodies stabbed with knives and bayonets. Fearless warrior Buta undergoes a magical transformation and becomes a rainbow, lone cowards enter the world of the dead, during a massacre one woman sings of life and death while the other – already domesticated – suffers from a problem with no name. A director creates an opera with the use of virtual media – a person can passively watch the piece while petting the dog or eating a sandwich (wow!) – and the opera-singer declares: I am the voice of the vampire. Picasso tries to climb up on the throne and argues with Matisse, creating Arcadia in a brothel, Saturn castrates his father and throws into the sea his mutilated genitals (Venus! Venus!), and female genitals are the ones that return our look even though we do not accept painting as exorcism. Fans apply cultural acupuncture and their ideology reaches far beyond a mouse click. This is the great power of poiēsis! It is through poiēsis that they are able to locate meaning in their being-there, and Hermione Granger transforms from a fictional character to an apt vehicle capable of igniting social change. Game designers face a tough one: enter the player who forgot they have amnesia, immersing in the game world, taking decisions in Dark Knight’s shoes, and the sight of their own bowels, wrapped around their wrist like some ghastly bracelet, makes them sick. Paranoid Incarnation creates a diary, locked up in a dodecahedron, as a trap for other incarnations, Marta the Seamstress collects teeth and other parts of corpses. The Walking Dead turns out to be one big swindle. And Camille Lemonnier rightly notes that nothing is less nude than a woman emerging from a pair of drawers. Near Smoleńsk time moves backwards and loops itself, and the Polish national hero follows the path of passion and ends up in Eden. That’s how it works: if you don’t know yourself, you are lost. But the narrative will sell anyway.

Literature does not fall behind either: grotesque and repulsive descriptions of the mother here, attempts to re-create oneself a-new without ancestral burden there, then the past locked up in a castle cellar and life tainted with trauma, and on top of these, lecherous songs, circumcision as inscription, a ghost full of venom, redness of a lipstick which allows for a kiss, creation as a gloriously cancerous proliferation and then trauma again, but this time a hauntological one. A lot is happening here, too. Nailcruncher speaks highly of Gamaliel while the latter warns his son against the deceitful charm of feminine beauty, the past haunts the protagonist like a boomerang, and scars on a female protagonist’s back shape up as a cherry tree, the subject hauntologically encounters its own spectres and stops being identical with itself, Britain sinks in the fog breathed out by the she-dragon Querig, and yet Sir Gawain and the monks keep her alive. And then an invisible force ferociously hurls a dog against the wall, naked and smiling Beloved is exiled, women take pictures of pictures, cream fudge candies “carambar” and “makagiga” metaphorically connect Górzański and Perec, who remembers hating the taste of sour cabbage, and the third generation remembers the things they never lived through. And so the archive becomes the experience of the future.

Various personae are watching all this: Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Aristotle, Plato, Parmenides, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Husserl, Freud, Bergson, Ricoeur, Derrida, Lacan, Horkheimer, Adorno, Halbwachs, Sacks, Taylor, Barthes, and even Athena and Theseus. Someone makes a constatation: in many countries, those who are heard (and in charge) are those who conquer memory and nurture hatred. So let us rejoice: after all, it is not truth that is in question.

Wojciech Kalaga

Number of Publications: 19


Editorial pages

Title page and contents

Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 1-4



(An Editorial in Polish and English/Wstęp w językach polskim i angielskim)

Wojciech Kalaga
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 5-8

studies and essays

Colonial Violence, Strategies of Resistance and Restoration of Memory in Wei Te-Sheng’s Warriors of the Rainbow

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Krzysztof Loska
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 11-23

Critical Retro and Collective Memory in the American Cinema of the 21st Century

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Patrycja Ewa Włodek
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 25-41

Volatile Memory. Discourses of Memory, Forgetting, and Post-memory in Interactive Entertainment

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Tomasz Gnat
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 43-62

Heidegger and Fan Activism: Unveiling the Presence of Poiēsis in Contemporary Online Social Mobilization

(Article in English/Artykuł w języku angielskim)

Justin Michael Battin , Elle Rystakova
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 63-83

Quotidian life recalled. The project of “collective autobiography” of Georges Perec

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Małgorzata Cieliczko
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 85-101

The Life-giving Archive. A Stockpile of Memory in Albert Cohen’s Work

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Anna Maria Bielak
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 103-116

Memory and Forgetting in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Urszula Gołębiowska
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 117-131

Reconciliating with One’s Self. Hauntological Decoding of Toni Morrison’s Beloved

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Jan Moryń
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 133-143

commentaries and debates

The Mythologization of the Smoleńsk Catastrophe in Antoni Krauze’s Film and in the Smoleńsk Poetry as a Function of Collective Memory

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Katarzyna Czech
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 147-162

Expansion and Contraction: The Play Spaces of Todd and the Vampire

(Article in English/Artykuł w języku angielskim)

Erin Heisel
Language: EN | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 163-170

Prostitution and Art. Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and the Vicissitudes of Authenticity

(Article in English/Artykuł w języku angielskim)

Sławomir Masłoń
Language: EN | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 171-184

notes on books

Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Cmentarz, park, podwórko. Poznańskie przestrzenie pamięci (A Critical Note))

(A Critical Note in Polish/Nota krytyczna w języku polskim)

Paweł Jędrzejko
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 209-212

Monika Jaworska-Witkowska, Przechwytywanie tekstów. Powidoki czytania (A Critical Note)

(A Critical Note in Polish/Nota krytyczna w języku polskim)

Paweł Jędrzejko
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 213-217

streszczenia w języku polskim/summaries in polish

Summaries in Polish/Streszczenia w języku polskim

Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 221-226

info for contributors



Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 236

varia - follow-ups and anticipations

The Third Generation after Nakba. Post-memory as Balancing "in-Between" Indexal and Symbolic Communication

(Article in Polish/Artykuł w języku polskim)

Marcela Kościańczuk
Language: PL | Published: 28-07-2020 | Abstract | pp. 187-205

No. 49 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30

ISSN: 1508-6305
eISSN: 2544-3186
Logo DOI 10.31261/errgo

University of Silesia Press | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i Wydawnictwo Naukowe "Śląsk"

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