| Data publikacji:
| s. 11-26
The article presents the results of laboratory experiments on several linguistic hypotheses. The experiments were checked for their epistemological control of the psychological reality of the world description that they offer. The article refers to the psycholinguistic experiments that aim to define the explanatory adequacy of the semantic models that simulate the implementation of the representative function of the language. The two themes: philological (linguistic) and cognitive (neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic) are combined in the article.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 27-39
The article presents the differences in conceptualizing the idea of moving planned activities or events to a later time. The author of the article refers to the cognitive semantics and considers five Polish verbs: oddalić, odłożyć, odciągnąć, odsunąć and odwlec. The author uses lexicographical explanations and material gathered from the National Corpus of Polish Language and Internet.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 41-51
The article discusses the examples of movable past verbs’ suffixes and their usages as described in four old manuals for teaching Polish as a foreign language. They have been confronted with the results of T. Rittel’s and A. Kowalska’s research, which proves that the authors of the old manuals reflected the Polish language of their times in their textbooks. They usually give one form of the past verb, treating it as a model, which was well justified in the case of a spoken language.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 53-69
The article presents the issue of nouns with a problematic relation between semantic reference and inflexional indicator of grammatical number, that is, such nouns which have only plural form while referring to a single object. The author analyses changes in adapting inflexional indicators in cases when belonging to the group of nouns with both singular and plural form or to the group of pluralia tantum makes a significant difference in meaning. It is one of the most difficult problems of Polish declination. The grammatical category of number, which accumulates important grammatical and semantic information, is difficult not only for foreigners studying the Polish language, but also for native speakers. The author of the article concentrates on such pluralia tantum that are being used either in singular or plural form at the moment: warsztaty/warsztat (workshop), ćwiczenia/ćwiczenie (seminar), zajęcia/zajęcie (calss), badania/badanie (research). The author tries to explain why pluralia tantum, such as ćwiczenia, zajęcia, warsztaty, badania are being used increasingly often as nouns with both singular and plural forms by the young generation of academics. The explanation is based on dictionary analyses, system considerations, as well as semantic and social analysis.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 71-85
In contemporary Polish linguistics, there are two approaches to determining grammatical gender classes: the traditional and the contemporar formal. According to the traditional concept, derived from the classical school, the nominative case is the basis for the division into gender classes. In modern Polish language, the traditional approach distinguishes the following classes: masculine, feminine, and neutral and in the plural form there is also the masculinepersonal and nonmasculinepersonal. On the other hand, in the contemporary approach the basis for division into gender classes is the accusative case, and less frequently, the genitive case. In didactic practice however, and especially in teaching Polish as a foreign language, the traditional approach is applied as it is the most transparent, understandable and accessible to learners.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 87-98
The author analyses contemporary syntactic innovations based on usus, but incorrect according to linguistic rules, such as: odnośnie czego, przed i po obiedzie, dwa lub więcej samochodów, szampon dla zdrowych włosów. She proves that such forms result from language economy and the level of their preservation leads to the possibility of their normative acceptance.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 99-116
The article discusses the possibility of translating Polish sentences with perfect adverbial participle into the Macedonian language where such a participle does not exist. The first part of the article presents the research on semantics and syntax of the Macedonian glagolski prilog (participle). The second part of the article compares the adverbial participles in Polish and Macedonian languages. The analyses are based on comparing adverbial participles used in Polish literary texts with their Macedonian equivalents used in translation.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 117-127
The article presents analyses of the form of the noun used as a predicate in the spoken Eastern Slavonic language, the language of the Lemkos, which has been in contact with the Polish language. While in Eastern Slavonic languages, both Instrumental and Locative can be used in such a function, in the Polish language it is restricted to the Instrumental. In the Lemkos’ language, the two variants are possible: both Instrumental and Locative can be used, depending on the type of feature (constant or changeable) that the predicate expresses. However, among the younger generation it is the Instrumental that dominates, which could be caused by the influence of the Polish language.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 129-145
The article concerns Silesian anthroponomy. Using examples from two 19th century church registers indices from Upper Silesia, the author demonstrates which features of Silesian dialect are reflected in the surnames. Some phonetic features of the analysed names are discussed in the article, as well as the appearance of the suffixes -ok, -us, -el. Examples of names that bear traces of lexical archaisms and Silesian dialect are also discussed. In order to select the Silesian surnames the author uses data gathered in the Dictionary of surnames used in Poland in the beginning of the 21st century by K. Rymut.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 147-161
The article describes how to use the competence of a speech therapist in teaching Polish as a foreign language (especially at the early stage of the glottodidactic process). Teaching pronunciation is an integral element of teaching Polish as a foreign language and according to the authors of the article, it can be more effective if the following issues are taken into consideration: diagnosis of speech disorders (including efficiency of speech organs and phonemic hearing) and an efficient therapy. Such an approach is advised in the case of students: 1. who have no biological deficits, however have problems learning correct pronunciation; 2. who have speech defects; or 3. whose pronunciation in a learnt language is influenced by speech therapy.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 163-177
The article discusses the relation between lexicography and ideology. It proves that the monolingual Polish language dictionaries are designed according to the ideology of gender and that gender stereotypes can take different forms in dictionaries. The dictionaries not only reflect, but also preserve social and cultural values and rules. The analysis leads to the question, how should the ideology of gender be presented in the future, in order to avoid stereotyping?
| Data publikacji:
| s. 179-196
The article aims to analyse the phenomenon of kidult, that is, participating in life and culture combining elements that are typical for both children (kids) and adults. Postmodern cultural practices that glorify youth, flexibility, communicative strategies based on individualization, freedom of language, humour and effective communication are described in the article. The aim is to create an attractive and original utterance, while language rules are of secondary importance. Kidult as a conglomerate of many styles and sociocultural patterns seems to be a fashionable element of contemporary lifestyle.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 197-211
The article concerns the influence of the IT sector on the evolution of the Polish language. The author discusses changes in vocabulary: the introduction of new terms concerning computers (usually of English origin), into the Polish language and Polish dictionaries that have been published recently. He analyses the influence of virtual reality on communicative patterns of behaviour of contemporary Poles. He explains how the words that refer to computers and the Internet have become metaphors in contemporary Polish language and how they are being used in poetry.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 212-230
The article is of an analytical nature. The author explains the specificity of a press interview and the type of communication that is characteristic of this genre. She presents the participants of the interaction: the journalist and the interview hero. Here an unusual interview with Sławomir Mrożek published in „Duży Format” (addition to „Gazeta Wyborcza”) is recalled. The author refers to this text as an example of a game and specific communicative strategy. This example and fragments of some other interviews with Mrożek prove that the hero of the interview influences the creative character of the interview itself.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 233-242
The book by Mariusz Jochemczyk, Facing tradition. Sketches in Silesian oikology, serves here as an example of some broader tendency, which can be described as Silesian essay writing or Silesian autobiographical essay writing. The author of the article asks a question about commonalities between such books as Nagrobek Ciotki Cili (Aunt Cilia’s Tombstone) by Stefan Szymutko, Antygona w świecie korporacji (Antigone in corporation) by Tadeusz Sławek, Listy z Rzymu (Letters from Rome) by Zbigniew Kadłubek, Lajerman by Aleksander Nawarecki and the afore mentioned book by Mariusz Jochemczyk. Certain essayistic ‘idioms’ of the discussed authors are being described here. The author asks about the future of the phenomenon, which refers to regional issues but certainly is not only of a local nature.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 243-257
Andrzej Stasiuk’s collection of short stories Grochów (2012) is a sentimental reminiscence of the author’s childhood and youth. Stasiuk recalls events from the past: happiness and ease are replaced by pain, loneliness, sickness and death. The author of the article explains how the feeling of emptiness and loss is created by the writer, for whom the idea of loss is the main theme of the book. The aim of the text is to interpret Grochów, according to the category of trauma and the attempt to present Stasiuk’s creativity through the torments of the past.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 259-271
The aim of this article is to interpret Szymborska’s poem entitled The Railroad Station and its English translation, from the point of view of the key poetics of negation. From the point of view of linguistics, literary studies, and translation studies, the poem is demonstrative of the variety of forms of negation and their semantic functions used in Szymborska’s entire oeuvre. The translators use numerous and various forms of formal and semantic negation as well, but they lack the central pragmatic negation. Szymborska doubts whether ‘our’ world is the best of possible worlds: since there is only one course of events, ‘the paradise of probability’ is ‘artificial’; the world is a burial ground of possibilities that did not come true.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 275-288
The article summarises the 2016 film season and mentions a few films that have been released in 2017. The author presents the advantages and disadvantages of certain films regarded as material to Polish culture. The article describes the following movies: Jarocin,po co wolność?, Jestem mordercą, Maria Curie, Ostatnia rodzina, Planeta singli, Powidoki, Smoleńsk, Szczęście świata, Sztuka kochania. Historia Michaliny Wisłockiej, Wołyń, Wszystko gra, Za niebieskimi drzwiami, Zaćma.
| Data publikacji:
| s. 289-302
The article presents the most important and the most interesting prose and poetry publications that appeared in 2016. Last year was marked by the dominance of wellknown authors (such as Joanna Bator, Anna DziewitMeller, Gaja Grzegorzewska, Jerzy Sosnowski, Szczepan Twardoch, Zośka Papużanka, Andrzej Busza, Tadeusz Dąbrowski, Marcin Świetlicki or Eugeniusz TkaczyszynDycki) and proved that books that consider identity problems or facing the demons of the past can attract positive responses from readers.