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„Przegląd Rusycystyczny” (“Russian Studies Review”) is as a quarterly journal published under the auspices of the Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne (Polish Association of Russian Studies) and has been in circulation since 1976. The journal publishes studies, treatises, discussions, reviews and reports in the area of Russian Studies.
Submissions are accepted in Polish, Russian and English languages.
The journal’s main areas of our interest include literary studies, linguistics and the methodology of teaching Russian literature and language. It also pays attention to widely understood Russian Studies.
Our journal was lately accepted by SCOPUS, and from January 1, 2020 is indexed in this database.
The journal is aimed at specialists, scholars and students of Russian Studies and has been indexed in the European Research Index in Humanities. It is recognized as category B journal in the Polish government listings, which entitles authors to claim 20 points in academic reports for publishing in “Przegląd”.
By submitting texts to our quarterly, authors give permission to the Editorial Board to make them available in electronic form as well as to publish their affiliations and e-mail addresses (both are placed in the summary header of every article and review).
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit and abbreviate the received materials.
An outstanding group of expert scholars from Polish and foreign academic centers support and act as reviewers for the quarterly in order to ensure its continuing high standard.
- Publication ethics:
„Przegląd Rusycystyczny” and its Editorial Team implement anti-ghostwriting procedure and anti-plagiarism policy as well as a policy of transparency of information on entities that contribute to the origin of publications (financial, technical and other input). The journal aims to follow the Committee of Publication Ethics’ Code of Conduct. In case of a discovered plagiarism, guest-authorship, ghost-writing, falsifying data or double publication, the Editorial Team of „Przegląd Rusycystyczny” demand explanations from the authors and undertake adequate steps according to the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK).
In order to avoid the practices of ghost writing (a case when a person who made substantial contributions to a publication is not credited as an author) and guest authorship (a case when a person appears in the publication as an author despite his/her insignificant or even no contribution) all authors have to declare that submitted manuscript is the genuine outcome of their own research. In the case of multiple authorship, the authors are required to enumerate all persons (particular authors contribution) and institutions („financial disclosure”), as well as the proportions of their contribution in the process of preparing the manuscript, its concept, methods, fundamentals. The main responsibility falls to the author submitting the manuscript, but all authors must take public responsibility for the content of their paper. The Editorial Team and reviewers are obliged to treat submissions and the peer-review process in strict confidence.
Readers can use texts from our webpage and databases concerning to licence CC BY.
Submissions of the manuscripts, peer review process and edition for publication is free for the authors.
Authors who submitted their papers to our journal don't loose their authors' rights. They give us only the right for single publication and post their paper on our website and databases.
- Authors and Authors responsibilities:
Submission the manuscripts, reviews and edition for publication for authors is free. The Authors, who submitted their papers to our journal don't loose their authors' rights. They give us only the right for single publication and to post their papers on our website and in the databases. The quarterly “Przegląd Rusycystyczny” is an open access journal, which all content is freely available without charge to all users, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author (concerning to licence CC BY).
By submitting their manuscripts (research articles, review articles, conference reports, letters, notes) the authors accept the publication ethics of “Przegląd Rusycystyczny”. The Authors have to declare their authorship and enumerate all organizations who had contributed to the text (financial and organizational support statement). In multi-authored publications, the individual contribution of each author must be specified in the manuscript (see the section “Submissions”).
The authors are obliged to follow the technical requirements of our journal and to participate in peer review process (see the section “Peer review”).
- Peer-review process:
All of the journal’s content is peer reviewed (research articles, review articles, conference reports, letters, notes).
- After the corresponding author submits the paper via journal's platform (OJS) it is checked by the editorial team secretary against the journal’s Author Guidelines.
- Then, the paper is checked by the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial team members appointed by him (adequacy for the journal’s thematic profile and originality). The papers may be rejected at this stage without being reviewed by the external reviewers.
- The editorial team secretary (or the handling editor of the special thematic issue) sends invitations to experts in the given field in order to assign two external reviewers. When declining, the experts are asked to suggest alternative reviewers.
- The reviewers (with a help of the review form on the platform) submit their opinions to the journal with a recommendation to accept or reject the paper. Requests for revision (flagged as either major or minor) are also possible.
- The Editor-in-Chief (or the handling editor of the special thematic issue) considers the reviews before making the final decision. If the reviews differ widely, additional experts may be invited to review the paper.
- The final decision whether to publish the article, request improvements, or reject the article is made by the Editor-in-Chief (in special issues by the Editor-in-Chief and the editor of the special issue).
- The secretary of the editorial team communicates the overall decision by email to the author and forwards the relevant reviewer comments with a clear statement, whether the manuscript has been: accepted for publication; accepted but requires some improvements; rejected.
- If the author disagrees with the reviewers’ remarks, he/she is obliged to present adequate counterarguments with a help of the tool “discussion” on the journal’s platform. If despite the discussion the consensus is not reached, the authors have also right to withdraw their papers.
- The authors who accepted the remarks are obliged to include the suggested and agreed improvements and upload the corrected version of the text within 45 days. Articles uploaded after this deadline will be published in the next issue of the journal.
- Submissions:
The authors submit their manuscripts through the journal platform http://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/PR/:
Preparation checklist. Before submission the authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
The manuscripts submitted to “Przegląd Rusycystyczny” must meet the journal’s scope (see the sections “Focus and scope” and “About the journal”. The authors shall choose the most suitable section for their manuscript (sections policy): Artykuły (research articles); Recenzje (reviews); Sprawozdania (conference reports); varia (notes, obituaries, letters and others).
After the correspondidng author submits the paper via journal's platform (OJS) it is checked by the editorial team secretary against the journal’s Author Guidelines. Then, the paper is checked by the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial team members appointed by him (adequacy for the journal’s thematic profile and originality). The papers may be rejected at this stage without being reviewed by the external reviewers.
Technical requirements for submissions:
Athor guidelines
- font Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing 1,5
- paragraph indents shall be made with a help of paragraph format tool (without tab key).
- Footnotes: continuous numbering, 10 pt font
- References:
- a) initial of the name, period, space, the author’s or editor’s surname, coma, space, title (italics), coma, space, publisher’s name, coma, publishing place, coma, spacja, publishing year, coma, space, „p.”, space, page numer(s), period;
- Adamczyk-Garbowska, Polskie tłumaczenia angielskiej literatury dziecięcej, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1990.
- Kasperski (ed.), Bachtin. Dialog – język – literatura, PWN, Warszawa 1983, p. 226–231.
- b) texts in journals: the article title (italics), coma, journal’s name in quotation marks without coma, publishing year, coma, issue (No., vol.), coma, p., page number, period.
- Szahaj, Granice anarchizmu interpretacyjnego, „Teksty Drugie” 1997, No. 6 (48), p. 5–33.
- c) articles in collective works: the author’s initial and surname, coma, title (italics), coma, „in:” [in Russian texts instead of „in:” please use „//” without coma], the editor’s initial and surname, (ed.), coma, title of the collective work (italics), coma, publisher’s name, coma, publishing place, space, publishing year, coma, „p.”, space page number;
- Bachtin, Słowo w poezji i słowo w powieści, transl. W. Grajewski, in: A. Burzyńska, M.P. Markowski (ed.), Teorie literatury XX wieku. Antologia, Znak, Kraków 2007, p.123–156.
Б.М. Ейхенбаум, Литературная позиция Лермонтова // того же: О прозе. О поэзии. Сборник статей, Художественная литература, Ленинград 1986, с. 56–87.
- d) references to the texts written in Latin scripts hall be in Latin script, while the Russian ones – in Cyryllic script;
- e) please add the access date to the URLs, e.g. www.onet.pl (25.01.2014).
Please do not make footnotes in the titles.
Examples of references:
- Erenburg, Burzliwe życie Lejzorka Rojtszwańca, transl. M. Popowska, Czytelnik, Warszawa 1988.
- Sholem, Chasydyzm w Polsce — ostatnia faza mistyki żydowskiej, in: tegoż, Mistycyzm żydowski, PIW, Warszawa 1997, p. 395–425.
- Łotman, Zagadnienia przestrzeni artystycznej w prozie Gogola, transl. J. Faryno, in: Semiotyka kultury, ed. E. Janus, M.R. Mayenowa, foreword. S. Żółkiewski, PIW, Warszawa 1977, p.213–265.
П.Н. Денисов, В.В. Морковкин (ред.), Словарь сочетаемости слов русского языка, Астрель, АСТ, Mосква 2002.
Е.Л. Березович, Как меняются оценки ценностей (на примере русского САМОЛЮБИЕ), // Etnolingwistyka. Problemy języka i kultury — 25, UMCS, Lublin 2013, с. 181–199.
- Hirsch, The Generation of Postmemory, „Poetics Today” 2008, vol. 29, No. 1, p. 104–107, http://www.columbia.edu/~mh2349/papers/generation.pdf (26.01.2014).
- All Polish texts should have two abstracts: English and Russian (approx. 7–10 verses) with titles. Russian ones — Polish and English, English — Polish and Russian.
Additional (detailed) guidelines
— paragraph indent: 1cm; please use the ruler instead the tab key
— line spacing: 1,5
— page margins: standard, 2,5 cm (upper, bottom, left, right)
— page numbering in footer, right side
— if columns are needed, please write in two-column tables (with hidden frames) and do not use the column tool
— Russian quotations shall be written with Cyryllic script
— italics: titles (except journal titles) and foreign words, e.g. sine qua non, de facto, a prori (please do not use italics for punctuation marks dividing the titles or foreign words); please do not use italics in all other cases: all citations shall be written with regular text in quotation marks
— journal titles — regular text in quotation marks
— please use hyphens without spaces (-) in compound words (południowo-wschodni, South-East) and double names (Kowalska-Jankowska)
— dash (–) Alt+0150 or Ctrl+- (hyphen) on the numpad — between numerals (1980–1985, 1st–7th April), without spaces
— em dash (—) Alt+0151 or Ctrl+Alt+- (hyphen) on the numpad, with spaces
— nawiasy — spacje przed nawiasem otwierającym i po nawiasie zamykającym (po nawiasie otwierającym i przed zamykającym nie ma spacji)
— please do not insert spaces before punctuation marks: period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation mark, ellipsis (ellipsis shall be marked as a separate mark Alt+0133, not as three periods)
— after initial ellipsis (not — three periods!) there is no space (…and he came in)
— shortened quotations (omitted text framgents) shall be marked with ellipsis in square brackets […]
— please do not use space after initial quotation mark „ (Alt+0132) and before the ending one ” (Alt+0148)
— please use the period after the ending quotation mark (…and he died”.)
— quotations longer than three verses shall be placed in a free-standing block of text without quotation marks, with additional spacing line before and after the quotation; quotations in quotations shall be marked with apostrophes — initial Alt+0145 (‘), ending Alt+0146 (’)
— surnames appearing in the main text for the first time shall be used with full name.
— please indicate the translator’s name in the references to translated works (transl. X. Xxxx).
— in a case of the second and subsequent references to the same work, please use the initial of the author’s name, surname, coma and first words of the title with ellipsis (not three periods), coma, page number (e.g. J. Łotman, Zagadnienia przestrzeni artystycznej…, p. 215).
Attached bibliography at the end of the text
Transliteration of non-Latin scripts guidelines
Authors are asked to transliterate non-Latin scripts into Latin script in accordance with the BGN-PCGN standard: https://www.ushuaia.pl/transliterate. The works cited in footnotes in their original non-Latin scripts shall be listed in attached bibliography at the end of the text as following:
An example of Russian text with a reference in Cyryllic script in a footnote:
Полное описание интерференции в контактной ситуации возможно только с учетом спектра экстралингвистических (психологических, социокультурных) факторов, на которые указывает Вайнрайх1.
1 У. Вайнрайх, Языковые контакты, «Вища школа», Киев 1979, с. 25-26.
An example of transliteration of non-Latin script reference in the attached bibliography at the end of the text (transliteration + the original reference in square brackets):
- Vaynraykh, Yazykovyye kontakty, «Vishcha shkola», Kiyev 1979 [У. Вайнрайх, Языковые контакты, «Вища школа», Киев 1979]
The references in Latin-Script in the original text (e.g. in Polish, English, German) shall not be transliterated into Cyryllic script in Russian texts.
- Copyright and access:
“Przegląd Rusycystyczny” is an open access journal, which all content is freely available without charge to all users, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author (texts from our webpage and databases may be freely used concerning to licence CC BY). Thanks to the open access format, the authors are permitted to post the final (publisher’s) version of their papers online, e.g. on their personal websites or in repositories and databases after its publication in „Przegląd Rusycystyczny”.
- Authors’ and readers’ fees:
Przegląd Rusycystyczny charges no fees for submission of the manuscript, review process, publication, archiving and full text access.
- Archiving:
The content of “Przegląd Rusycystyczny”, besides its own archive, is indexed and archived in the following databases: DOAJ, CEEOL, CEJSH, IC Journal Master LIST, ERIH Plus.
Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne (The Polish Russian Studies Society), the Editorial Board of Przegląd Rusycystyczny (The Russian Studies Review) as well as the editorial team and authors and other contributors of the journal deeply condemn and deplore the decision of the authorities of the Russian Federation to initiate hostilities against Ukraine and the consequent encroachment of Russian troops on the territory of this independent state, inhabited by a proud nation which has recently obtained its due statehood. We trust that not all prominent Russian politicians approve and support the official decisions of the current president of the Russian Federation and that they will do what they can to stop Russia's aggression against Ukraine. We stand with Ukraine — today we are all Ukrainians! We fiercely protest against all actions in which innocent people are killed while the Russian dictator, fearful of losing power, is using twisted means to control the minds of Russian citizens through pseudo-patriotic propaganda that arouses imperial claims. The war against Ukraine is vile and genocidal!
We are pleased to hear about the protests coming from scientific and cultural circles of Russia as thousands of such statements by the most prominent Russians can be found, for example, on the Internet portals:
The list of those who expressed their protest includes Yuri Apresyan, Yuli Kim, Lyudmila Ulicka, Dmitry Glukhovsky, Viktor Yerofeyev, Boris Akunin, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Dmitry Bykov, Andrei Zvyagintsev, Lev Rubinstein, Vladimir Sorokin, Guzel Yakhina, Victor Shenderovich, Nikolay Svanidze, Yuri Domansky and many, many others. They all condemn the decision made by the authorities of the Russian Federation and call for reason. We join their cry of protest in the hope that our voice, however quiet and insignificant, will support those who try to prevent or at least hinder the realization of the inhumane and criminal goals of the current Russian regime.
Board of Directors of Polskie Towarzystwo Rusycystyczne
(Polish Russian Studies Association)
Editorial Board and Team of Przegląd Rusycystyczny
(The Russian Studies Review)
- CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- ERIH Plus
- BazHum
- IC Journals Master List
- CEJSH - The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
- PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa